Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thoughts on being a mom

1) it is difficult for me, a generally selfish individual, to be unselfish and yet without children i imagine i would be a horribly self-absorbed person. so for them i am grateful.

2) even to this day (with an almost 12 yr old), i still find it odd i am indeed a mom.

3) i totally understand women who choose not the have kids

4) the older my kids get the better it is to be a mom. having conversations with my children can be so interesting and having them understand me it by far the best!

5) i wish my impatience with my children wasn't as frequent. it really isn't their fault i might be pmsy or stressed out. they are very forgiving of this character flaw of mine, however, i could be better about it

6) i wonder what my kids will do/be as adults

7) i hope i'm teaching respect and tolerance

8) being mom makes me more keenly aware of all the unpleasantries of life and i have new nightmares/worries/fears than before motherhood. it has made me cautious

9) my stomach will never be the same. however, it is evidence of two of my accomplishments in life

10) i am so grateful at this time that my children are healthy

11) in regards to my animal children...i am finding it difficult to like their new spring schedules and waking up at the butt crack of dawn and scratching and banging on bedrm doors to be let out and start the day roaming the house (or in sparky's case, simply going to sleep in a different room). however, with the addition of the two cats and another dog i feel my family is indeed complete.

12) i love my kids. still working on fulling appreciating them, but i do love them. :)


A Beautiful Life said...

i like it! honest and truthful and kids are stressful but you're a good mommy and they know would be more lonely and boring for yous!

Mom said...

Your love comes pouring out of those mixed-feeling reflections. Your devotion is evidenced in your actions and your willingness to always learn and change as needed. You are a great example to your children.

With love,
This Mom