Saturday, July 11, 2009

izsak's b-day present

well....the izsak is 12 now, and i should commence this blog w/ a short back story (am i capable of short? i'll try).

once upon a time when rob returned home from overseas, there was discussion about 7 yr old izsak shooting a gun. izsak's curiousity was his argument, rob's favorable opinion of this was due to his grandfather letting him shoot birds out of a cherry tree about the same age. well, i was dead set against it being very anit-gun. i said, "maybe when izsak's 12 or 14 or something he can" as my compromise. was that day of izsak reaching 12. i said it and they both remembered. so today izsak's present (and only present might i add, renting the gun and buying the ammo for two is NOT cheap) was to go to the "Baron's Den" and shoot away.

Izsak chose the tommy gun and definately aims to the left. the target's right side (if he was standing face foward) was riddled. he would've definately required shoulder surgery. nonetheless, izsak really enjoyed himself and while i was hoping he'd just be sickened after the experience (like i was the one and only time i've ever shot a gun) he was jazzed.

so there the have it. the rest of the day was spent (and is currently being spent) w/ a couple friends, swimming, watching movies, being allowed to drink copious amounts of mountain dew (normally totally off limits) and playing ps3. oh. and cheesecake and snacks and steak for dinner (thanx bbq rob!).

happy birthday sir izsak! :)

1 comment:

A Beautiful Life said...

yea, it freaked me out the one time Teddy took me to a gun range and let me shoot...but teddy and his brothers were shooting WAY before 12 yr old, you can get a hunter's permit when they're 13yr old for themselves here in utah, so Izsak is probably a good age to know how to handle it WELL. no worries mom, the rest of the bday sounds great!!